









Applicants using laptop computers must be seated no later than 8:20 a.m. All applicants must be seated no later than 8:30 a.m. You should plan to arrive at least twenty minutes early to locate your assigned section or room. The afternoon sessions generally begin at 1:30 p.m.;

The examination is scheduled to conclude on Tuesday at approximately 5:30 p.m. and on Wednesday at approximately 5:00 p.m.


考试内容:周二,考生在上午需要回答三篇Essays, 总共时间为三个小时;在周二下午的考试中,考生需要在三个半小时里完成两篇Essays, 一篇PT。


On Tuesday, applicants will have three hours during the morning session to answer three essay questions; during the afternoon session, applicants will have three hours and 30 minutes to answer two essay questions and one PT. 

Each essay question is designed to be answered in one hour and the PT is designed to be completed in 90 minutes. The MBE will be administered on Wednesday.



If an applicant is absent for any portion of the examination, the applicant will be considered as having not taken the examination; the applicant’s written answers will not be graded; and, if the applicant intends to take a future administration of the examination, he/she will be subject to the same application filing deadlines applicable to first-time applicants rather than the deadlines applicable to immediate repeaters.


Applicants cannot wear hats, caps, hoods or any other type of headwear during the examination.


4.无声指针手表、非电子显示的计时器以及小于或等于4英寸x 4英寸的时钟;



Only the following items are allowed in the examination room without prior approval (all items are subject to inspection): the admittance ticket with no writing on it; non-digital pens; non-mechanical pencils; silent analog watches, non-digital timers and clocks measuring 4" x 4" or smaller; rulers; paper clips; pen-style highlighters (must not be used on answers); inhalers; eyeglasses (no cases or sunglasses); foam ear plugs (must not be connected to any mechanism or device); feminine hygiene items; prescription medication; diabetes-related equipment (does not include food or drinks); eye drops in single-use vials; government-issued ID; cash (must not have writing on it), credit/debit cards that might be needed for the lunch break; keys; and disability-related items that have been approved through the testing accommodation petition process. You may also bring: a back support; an orthopedic cushion; a standard-size pillow without a case; one bookstand; one foot rest; splints and braces; crutches; wheelchairs; casts; hearing aids; TENS units; and, the following laptop accessories: separate keyboard, mouse (wired or wireless), laptop riser/stand no higher than 4”, and a solid color mouse pad with no writing on it.


During the MBE sessions, the items listed above are allowed in the examination room, except for pens, rulers, paper clips, highlighters, back supports, orthopedic cushions, pillows, bookstands or foot rests, and any laptop and laptop accessories.




Applicants who will be handwriting their examination answers, or who are required to handwrite in the event of a laptop/software malfunction, must bring their own standard blue or black ink ballpoint pens. Applicants must also bring their own pencils (several sharpened pencils are recommended) for the MBE portion of the examination. Mechanical pencils are not permitted. Pencil sharpeners and separate erasers will not be allowed into the examination room.


In addition to other items you must not bring into the examination room, please note that applicants cannot bring wallets, lip balm, tissues, cough drops/throat lozenges, gum, candy, or other food or drinks into the examination room. Water and tissues will be available nearby.



The temperature of the test center may fluctuate due to the weather or the test center’s cooling/heating equipment; applicants should be prepared for either warm or cold temperatures.


After you have been notified your admittance ticket is available for printing, you are eligible to have your laptop computer certified for use during the examination. The required security software (Examplify) must be downloaded onto your computer and the certification process must be completed by Friday, February 21, 2020.



If you are using a laptop computer to take the examination, it is your responsibility to timely upload your exam files containing your answers to the five (5) essay questions and one (1) performance test (1 exam file for each written session for a total of 2 exam files). If you fail to do so by the published deadline, a deduction of ten (10) scaled points will be taken from your total written scaled score. If you fail to upload your answer files within two (2) weeks of the published deadline, you will be given a grade of zero (0) for each answer that is not received by the State Bar’s Office of Admissions by the published deadline.


1. 你的考试入场券上面包含你的申请号,档案号和你的NCBE号码。不要在入场券上写任何东西。在你进入考场的时候,你会被要求出示你的入场券(只需携带入场券底部的部分即可。说明:入场券一张纸分两部分,中下部分会有一行折叠线,沿着折叠线裁下的下半部分作为入场券即可)。


Your admittance ticket contains your applicant number, your file number, and your NCBE number. Do not write anything on the ticket. You will be required to show your ticket to the proctor when you enter the test center (please detach and bring just the bottom portion of the admittance ticket). You must keep it in your possession throughout the examination.

2. 建议将可以允许携带进入考场的物品放在一个透明的塑料文件袋内。

You should bring any small permitted personal items, e.g., prescription medication, foam ear plugs, pens, etc., into the examination area in a small, clear plastic bag.

3. 会有指示根据申请号标明座位号,该申请号可在你的入场券上找到。在整个考试阶段,你的考试座位将保持不变。

Signs will be posted showing seating assignments by applicant numbers, which number can be found on your admittance ticket. You must occupy the same seating space throughout the examination.

4. 到达座位上以后,你会发现一个标识牌(类似于胸卡的东西,该胸卡具有小夹子因此可以别在胸前),该标识牌是你在整个考试阶段的标识,并且在你考试的任何时候都会被要求出示(所以需要别在胸前)。该标识牌需别在身上以使考官能够看到。如果你别的位置不对,你会被要求重新别在正确的地方。在吃午饭的时候,要将该标识牌放在桌子上。



Upon arrival at your seat, you will find an identification badge that will be your identification credential during administration of the examination and which you may be required to show at any time. The badge must be fastened so it can be easily seen by the proctors. You will be told to relocate the badge if it is not placed appropriately. The badge must be left at your seat during the lunch break.

5. 在考试的某个阶段,你会被要求提供指纹。(指纹墨盒和指纹卡考官会提供,请按照考官要求录指纹)。如果你拒绝录指纹,则会向你出示Chapter 6通知(处罚通知)。


At some time during administration of the examination, you may be required to provide your fingerprints. If you refuse to provide the required fingerprints, a Chapter 6 Notice will be issued to you.

6. 在ESSAY和PT考试阶段,你会被要求在每个答题卡的封面的右上角写上你的申请号,名字正体和签名。


At the beginning of each written (essays and PT) session of the examination, you will be instructed to write your applicant number, name, and signature in the upper right hand section of each of your answer book covers. Do not write notes, outlines, answers, time schedules or make any marks on the inside or outside of your answer book covers. The answer book covers are used for administrative purposes only.

7. 在考试开始之前,你不得根据自己的记忆做任何笔记。(也就是进入考场后且在考试开始前,不要为了防止遗忘在纸上写下自己记住的考点)。如果你使用笔记本电脑考试,在你进入考试区域后不要打开电脑里的任何自己做的笔记或者和其他与本场考试无关的文件。



You are not allowed to make notes from memory prior to the start of the examination session. If you are using your laptop computer, you may not access any notes or other documents on your computer after you have entered the secure examining area. Scratch paper will be distributed for each written session of the examination. Scratch paper is not permitted during the MBE portion of the examination. You must not make notes or write anything on your admittance ticket. If writing is found on your admittance ticket, the ticket will be confiscated and you will be issued a Chapter 6 Notice.

8. 如果你需要额外的草稿纸或者答题纸,请举手示意考官并向考官索取。在草稿纸上的任何答案都不会被给分。另外,需要注意,做选择题时要把答案圈到答题卡上,选择题一场就三个小时,不会另外给你时间专门圈答案。所以在三个小时里,要把题目做完,更要把答案圈到答题卡上。


If you need additional scratch paper or lined paper to write your answers during the examination, raise your hand and a proctor will provide you with what you need. Nothing written on scratch paper will be graded.

9. 如果你选择手写,请尽量写的容易辨认。用水笔(推荐用圆珠笔),蓝色或者黑色的水笔来答题。如果用铅笔书写ESSAY或PT的答案则不会被接受。

If you are handwriting, you should do so as legibly as possible. A ballpoint pen, with standard blue or black ink, must be used to write your answers. Answers to the essay and PT questions written in pencil are not acceptable.

10. 考题和用过的草稿纸不允许被带出考场。在完成每场考试后,所有的考题和用过的草稿纸都必须放在指定的信封中。(实际上考官会来收的,整理好放在桌上即可,或者按照考官的当场要求操作)。

Examination questions and used scratch paper may not be taken out of the examination room. After completing each session of the examination, all examination questions and used scratch paper must be placed in the envelope designated for that purpose.

11. 如果你选择手写参加考试,那么你有责任将自己写好的答题卡交给考官。如果你在使用电脑考试的过程中因为电脑故障无法继续使用电脑答题(如果出现电脑故障,请立即联系考官,然后考官会给你相应的答题纸),你必须保证你完成了考官交给你的答题卡并将该答题卡交给考官,这样就会提醒阅卷部门,你部分在电脑上完成了你的答案并部分上传了你的答案。你不能在考场丢下任何考试材料,包括你的答案。

If you handwrite your examination answers or any part thereof, it is your responsibility to turn in your written examination answers to the proctors. If you have an answer that is partially handwritten because you were unable to complete your answer using your laptop, you must ensure that you complete and submit the form provided by the proctor, which will alert the Grading Department that you have an answer partially handwritten and partially uploaded. You cannot leave the test center with any examination materials, including your answers.

12. 在考试的最后时刻,你不会被允许使用厕所或离开你的座位(根据考试情况,分别为5到15分钟,请听清考官的要求)。在考试和答题时间被宣告结束后,直到所有的材料被考官收集完整并装好,你不会被允许去使用洗手间或离开你的座位。如果你未能遵守上述规则或在考试材料被考官收集阶段擅自离开座位,你会收到警告。


You will not be permitted to use the restroom or leave your seat during the last several minutes of the examination session (5 to 15 minutes depending on the session). After time is called, you will not be permitted to use the restroom or leave your seat until all materials are collected and inventoried. If you fail to remain seated after being advised to do so or while the examination materials are being collected and inventoried, you will receive a Chapter 6 Notice.





版权所有: 深圳市泛特宏景咨询有限公司