









例1:使用prior 代替before

From and after the date of this Agreement, Party A shall, and shall cause its affiliates and successors to, use the same efforts to maintain the confidentiality of any Confidential Information as Party A used to maintain the confidentiality of such information prior to the date hereof. (P.28)



No terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be varied or modified by anyprior or subsequent statement, conduct or act of either of the Parties, except that the Parties may amend this Agreement by written instruments referring to and executed in the same manner as this Agreement. (P.38)


例3:使用provided that 代替but

provided that the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and provides documentation as evidence that the assignee has the ability and capability of meeting all of the obligations under this Agreement.

但受让方须书面同意受本协议所有条款和条件的约束, 并提供文件证明受让方有资格、有能力履行本协议项下的全部义务。

其他还有:construe(understand), deem(consider), operate, same, object to, whereas, without, prejudice等等。

宣誓书( affividat)的正式用语: being first duly sworn, depose and says; before me, a notary public。

例4: being first duly sworn:

I certify under penalty of perjury, or after first being duly sworn, that I have provided complete and accurate responses to the items on this application.


判决书的正式用语: Now therefore, It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed 做出判决。


action (诉讼)、alienation (转让)、 avoid (取消)、 consideration(对价)、 counterpart(有同等效力的副本)、 execute(签署)、 hand(签名)、 instrument(法律文件)、 negligence(过失)、 party(一方)、 prejudice(损害)、 presents(本法律文件)。said(上述,该)、 save(除了)、 serve(送达)。

例1. action (诉讼)

The Licensee will, at the request of the Licensor and at the Licensor’s expense, give full cooperation to the Licensor in any action or claim brought or threatened to be brought in respect of the Licensed Trademarks, including joining in as a party to any proceedings.



The rights conferred upon the respective parties by the provisions of this Clause are additional to and do not prejudice any other rights the respective parties may have.



古英语(Old English):公元约1100年前的英语

中古英语(Middle English): 元约1100年至1500年间的英语

其在法律英语中的使用主要表现在以 here, there 和 where 与介词合成的词:

如:- hereafter, herein, hereof, hereto, heretofore, hereunder, herewith;

- thereafter, thereat, thereby, therefore, therefrom, therein, thereof, thereon, thereto, theretofore, thereunder, therewith;

- whereas, whereby, wherein, whereof

此外还有 aforesaid, forthwith 及作形容词用的 said 和 such

例1 :thereafter

  This Agreement shall take effect on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of ten (10) years. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for one-year terms thereafter unless and until terminated by either Party hereto by giving six (6) months' written notice to the other.

   本协议自生效日起生效,有效期为十( 10)年。此后,除非一方提前六( 6)个月向另一方发出终止本协议的书面通知,本协议逐年自动延长一( 1)年。

例 2:therewith

Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to bring, at its own expense, an infringement action against any third party and use Licensee’s name in connection therewith and to name Licensee as a party thereto.


(4) 使用外来词语


如:affidavit(宣誓书)、 alias(化名;别名)、 alibi(不在犯罪现场)


ad hoc(专门的;专门地)、 bona fide(真诚的,真诚地)、 de facto

(事实上的)、 in re(关于)、 inter alia(除了别的因素以外)、 mutatis

mutandis(在细节上作适当修正后)、 part passu(按相同比例)、 per se

(自身)、 pro bono(为了公益)、 pro rata(按比例)


We hereby engage with drawers and/or bona fide holder that drafts drawn and negotiated on presentation and that draft accepted within the terms of this credit will be duly honored at maturity.




l alibi(不在犯罪现场)、 appeal(上诉)、bail(保释)、 burden of proof(举证责任)、 cause of action(案由)、contributory negligence(与有过失)、 damages(损失赔偿金)l defendant(被告)、 due diligence(审慎调查)、 felony(重罪)l negotiable instrument(流通票据)、 novation (更替)、 plaintiff (原告)、 prejudice (损害)

套话:and for no other purposes, shall not operate as a waiver, shall not be deemed a consent, including but not limited to, or other similar or dissimilar causes, without prejudice to, nothing contained herein shall

例1:without prejudice to

a) any liability of the Company to any form of taxation whether created or imposed in the PRC or any other part of the world and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, includes any tax computed on profits or income, any tax computed on capital assets, estate duty, profits tax, provisional profits tax, interest tax, death duty, gift duty, payroll tax withholding tax, rates, custom and excise duty, transfer tax, inheritance tax, stamp duty, capital duty, employment taxes, value added tax, and generally any tax, imposition, levy or rates or any amount payable to the revenue, customs or fiscal authorities in any part of the world;



Words in the singular Include the plural and vice versa(包括复数词的单数和反之亦然);

words used in the masculine gender include every gender(表示阳性的词包含每一种性别)





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